Our Exercises

Active mind Yoga is scientific-based. It will get you the result you aim for. It keeps you young & healthy. It will enable you to do well in study and sports. It will provide long term immunity. It will synchronize the ten systems in the body. It will improve your muscles, balance, memory, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and a lot more

It keeps you connected with the conscious & subconscious mind. Slow breathing synchronizes with the subconscious brain waves Alpha, Theta, & Delta to generate new ideas, more creativity, and big successes in your life.

The earth's magnetic field influences neuron quantum in the spinal nerves to move like a coiled-up serpent from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. This is the well known Kundalini (dormant power). Therefore active mind yoga causes the Kundalini awakening naturally. A yogi does not have to hold the breath for a long time to awaken Kundalini.

Our Services

Our great services are perfecting the combination of active mind yoga, conscious & subconscious mind, and the 3 brain waves Alpha, Theta, and Delta. The combination improves dreams, creativity, solution solving, and the decision making. Like all great things, we took a few like-minds with a shared vision—and ran with it. We select seven centers in the brain, C1, C2. C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, to train each to become a great center to serve your.

                Group practice of low impact yoga poses

Our Clients

Because I'm experienced, reliable, and focused on results, I would like to have the privilege of working with fantastic clients. 


I’m an expert in my field but I wouldn’t be where I am without those who've helped me along the way. That’s why I love connecting with like-minded people and using my passion and skills to make a difference in creating  good results and good transformation.


We all have a passion. This is mine! From an early age, I decided to master my craft. And I’ve been learning ever since for 60 years.